

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to the offer and sale of products on and to orders placed directly with Davsjö Design.



Vår verkstad skickar normalt inredningsdetaljer inom 1-2 veckor. Om en produkt är tillfälligt slut i lager kan leveranstiden förlängas. Vi tillverkar våra möbler på beställning; produktionen startar när vi får kundens beställning med en leveranstid på 6-10 veckor beroende på möbeln och arbetsbelastningen vid beställningstillfället. För varje produkt anges en beräknad leveranstid. På Davsjö använder vi oss av manuella processer med naturliga material för att säkerställa ett perfekt slutresultat med största precision. På grund av produktionsprocessens natur kan enstaka förseningar uppstå.


Du kommer att få ett meddelande när din beställning skickas. När du lämnar vår verkstad får du alltid ett e-postmeddelande om att din beställning är på väg. Vanligtvis tar det några arbetsdagar från det att ordern lämnar våra lokaler till dess att den når dig. Vår transportör tillhandahåller vanligtvis en spårningslänk som ingår i e-postmeddelandet. Om ingen spårningslänk erhålls kommer vår transportör att kontakta dig när varorna är klara för leverans.


När din beställning är klar för leverans kommer vår transportör att kontakta dig via sms eller e-post för att avtala leveransdag och tidsram. Leveranser sker till din fastighetsgräns/gatunivå på en överenskommen arbetsdag, exklusive helgdagar, och överlämnas med kvittering. Du ansvarar för inbärning och eventuell montering. Davsjö ansvarar inte för ej uthämtade eller obokade leveranser. Paket som returneras till oss transporteras på egen risk och vi ansvarar inte för varan efter att den returnerats. Det är viktigt att du hämtar ut eller accepterar ditt paket. Vid returer gäller ångerrätten och villkoren i returpolicyn endast för varor i lager. För outhämtade/ej levererade paket hos ombud debiteras en avgift på 250 kr som täcker våra kostnader för frakt, returfrakt och hantering Vid leveransförseningar eller avvikelser från din beräknade leveransvecka informerar vi dig via e-post eller telefon.

Vi förbehåller oss rätten att frånsäga oss alla ersättningsanspråk från kunden gällande leveransförseningar.kontakta oss gärna på om du har några frågor.



We collaborate with Stripe as the card processor to handle payment transactions at the highest level of security. Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd ("Stripe") is the data controller for the personal data processed in connection with bank or credit card payments, and you can review their privacy policy


We reserve the right to require full upfront payment from corporate customers. Payment terms range from 10 to 30 days, depending on the agreed terms with the customer or the nature of the order. Ordered products will be delivered once full payment has been received.


Inspektion av den fysiska produkten krävs vid leverans. Eventuella skador som uppkommit under transporten, liksom fel eller brister som härrör från transporten, måste dokumenteras på fraktsedeln och godkännas av leveransrepresentanten under leveransen. Eventuella reklamationer avseende fel och brister i produkten skall skriftligen meddelas Davsjö inom 24 timmar efter leverans. I händelse av att Davsjö accepterar en reklamation i rätt tid har kunden rätt att begära en ersättningsleverans eller rättelse av felet. Kunden har inte rätt att kräva prisavdrag eller skadestånd.


Vid köp via vår e-handelsplattform eller via telefon gäller distanshandelslagen. Det innebär att du som kund har rätt att ångra ditt köp av lagervaror inom 30 dagar från det att du mottagit varan. Varan ska vara i samma skick som när du tog emot den, det vill säga omonterad, oanvänd och oskadad. Originalförpackningen måste bevaras och medfölja varan. Vid utövande av ångerrätten är du som kund ansvarig för returfrakten.

Inga returer för: Våra möbler är beställningsvaror och tillverkas skräddarsytt eller unikt anpassat för dig. Vid beställning av våra möbler är möjligheten till ångerrätt ej möjlig.


Warranty Terms and Claims Process

Ensuring customer satisfaction is our priority. To safeguard your rights, please follow these steps:

Thoroughly check the product during unloading. Note any issues on the delivery note, such as faulty packaging or incorrect items.

Take clear photos of the entire load, packaging, and any defects. In case of concerns, promptly email your complaint to the address provided in the order confirmation.

If you detect a defect, report it to, including:
- Description of the defect.
- General and detailed photos.
- Clear product identification (order number): Include a legible photo of the label, a copy of the delivery note, and a copy of the invoice.

Claims lacking this information won't be accepted.

Davsjö may request the return of damaged products before issuing replacements. We reserve the right to request additional information for thorough claim analysis.

Replacement or repair of product components during the warranty period doesn't extend the duration. Our liability is limited to specified obligations and a maximum amount equivalent to the invoiced sum, excluding indirect, immaterial damages, or operational losses.

Warranty Exclusions:

- Natural wear from improper use, excessive scratching/scraping, sliding objects on surfaces, use of abrasive products, and placing extremely hot or cold objects on surfaces, especially lacquered, varnished, or melamine products.
- Damage resulting from mishandling, including blows, accidents, incorrect product assembly, and dragging products without rolling elements, or sitting on tables.
- Leaving products in unsuitable locations exposed to extreme temperature and/or humidity changes, near heat or cold sources, or in open-air locations.
- Defects caused by improper cleaning methods or products, in violation of Davsjö's recommended guidelines.
- Defects due to not cleaning or protecting products, not removing damaging materials or liquids, etc.
- Damage from unauthorized modifications, operations, or repairs by the customer or a third party.
- Special orders, customer-specified products, and materials provided by the customer (including fabric and upholstery) are not covered by the warranty.
- Changes in color, grain, and texture over time, exposure to natural light, batch differences, or natural origin of materials like wood, leather, or natural fibers.
- Slight variations from visual representations or descriptions in catalogues, samples, and display parts, including color, texture, and grain of wood, and fabric.
- Typical leather variations such as cracks, insect bites, or creasing, and color variations or crease formation due to leather elasticity.
- Marks (from fingers), dirt, and shine on dark and/or matte finishes.
- Marks or darker areas due to inadequate protection of contact surfaces.

Please note that the above terms and conditions may change. In such cases, the new version will be published on Davsjö's website. Therefore, you should regularly review these terms to ensure that you are satisfied with the changes.


Vilka personuppgifter samlar vi in, och varifrån?

Varför samlar vi in och behandlar personuppgifter om dig?

Hur skyddar vi dina uppgifter?

Hur länge behåller vi dina uppgifter?

Vilka rättigheter har du?

Under vissa omständigheter kan du erhålla och få vissa personuppgifter överförda i ett elektroniskt format, i vissa fall även till en annan registeransvarig (dataportabilitet). Om du vill utöva någon av dina rättigheter, kontakta oss via de kontaktuppgifter som anges högst upp i denna sekretesspolicy. För att skydda din integritet och dina personuppgifter ber vi dig att identifiera dig när du kontaktar vår assistans. Om du väljer att kontakta oss via brev för att utöva de ovan nämnda rättigheterna ber vi dig att bifoga en kopia av din legitimation och se till att brevet är undertecknat. Om du istället väljer att kontakta oss via e-post ber vi dig att skanna din legitimation tillsammans med din namnteckning.Du har också alltid rätt att inge klagomål till Datainspektionen om du anser att Davsjös behandling av dina personuppgifter inte sker i enlighet med tillämplig lag.

Observera att villkoren i integritetspolicyn kan komma att ändras. I sådana fall kommer den nya versionen att publiceras på Davsjös webbplats. Du bör därför regelbundet granska dessa villkor för att säkerställa att du är nöjd med ändringarna. Vid väsentliga ändringar kommer vi att meddela dig via e-post om du har lämnat din e-postadress till oss.

Davsjö Design AB, registration number: 559444-7327, is committed to protecting your privacy. Therefore, we have prepared this privacy policy to clarify how we handle your personal data.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data? Davsjö Design AB, hereinafter referred to as "Davsjö," "we," or "us," is responsible for the processing of your personal data. We ensure that the processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the supplementary Data Protection Act (2018:218), as well as the principles described in this privacy policy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the following address:

Davsjö Design AB
Krigsstigen 16, 18273, Stocksund, Sweden

What personal data do we collect, and where from? We only collect personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill specific purposes, which are described below. These purposes may include situations such as when you request a quote, place an order, or apply for employment with us.

In addition, we collect information when you voluntarily contact us via email, fill out customer surveys or contact forms, provide us with feedback, or contact our customer service. The types of personal data we collect may, depending on the context, include the following:Name, position, title, contact information, email address, phone number, and postal address

Application documents such as CVs and cover lettersPurchase historyDelivery and billing information, payment information, and other information you provide when contacting our customer service

The collection of your personal data can occur from the following sources:
- Davsjö's website
- Contact via email or telephone
- Through agreements, invoices, or other business contacts
- Third parties, such as address providers
- Activities such as trade shows and events

Why do we collect and process personal data about you? We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes and according to the legal grounds specified below:

1. Fulfillment of contracts
- Handling your orders and any returns
- Delivery notificationsRecruitment

2. Legitimate interests
- Sending general information, targeted messages, event invitations, and quotation proposals
- Conducting customer surveys
- Responding to questions via email or customer service

3. Consent
- Sending newsletters

In cases where we need your consent, you will be informed of this, and you will have the opportunity to accept or reject the specific processing of personal data. You can revoke consent at any time via the link in the relevant message.

Transfer of your personal data For Davsjö to fulfill our commitments to you as a customer or contact person for a customer, we may share your data with third parties who act as data processors for Davsjö. These third parties provide services including data support, email, and storage services. We will not sell or disclose your personal data to third parties for any purpose.

We are always cautious when transferring your personal data and take appropriate measures before any transfers occur. Your personal data may also be disclosed when required by law for Davsjö to fulfill its legal obligations.

How do we protect your data? We work continuously to ensure that the organizational and technical security levels for processing your personal data meet the requirements under applicable data protection legislation.

How long do we retain your data? Your personal data will not be retained for longer than required by applicable law and to achieve the purposes described above. Your personal data is processed according to the following time periods, after which it is deleted:Contact person for companies: Your data is retained as long as you are listed as the contact person for a company that has a business relationship with Davsjö.Communication: If you have contact with Davsjö via email, your personal data is stored for as long as necessary to manage the contact.Job applicants: Davsjö retains your application documents, including CVs and cover letters, during the recruitment process and for up to two years.Legal obligation: Davsjö retains records that constitute accounting information in accordance with applicable accounting rules.Consent: When we process your personal data with your consent, we keep it as long as we have your consent.

What rights do you have? You have the right to access the personal data we process. You can request information about what personal data is stored, and for what purposes these personal data have been collected.

You also have the right to have any incorrect or incomplete data corrected.

In some cases, you have the right to have your data deleted, for example, if your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.You have the right to, in certain cases, demand that Davsjö's processing of your personal data be restricted, for example, if you object to the processing of your personal data that is carried out based on a legitimate interest. Even during the time when the control is taking place, if our reasons outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, the processing of your personal data may be restricted.

You have the right to withdraw or change the consents you have given us at any time.

Under certain circumstances, you may obtain and have certain personal data transferred in an electronic format, in some cases, even to another data controller (data portability).If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us via the contact details provided at the top of this privacy policy. To protect your privacy and personal data, we ask you to identify yourself when contacting our assistance. If you choose to contact us by letter in order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, we kindly ask you to include a copy of your ID and ensure that the letter is signed. If, instead, you choose to contact us via email, we kindly ask you to scan your ID together with your signature.You also always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if you believe that Davsjö's processing of your personal data is not in accordance with applicable law.

Please note that the terms of the privacy policy may change. In such cases, the new version will be published on Davsjö's website. Therefore, you should regularly review these terms to ensure that you are satisfied with the changes. In the case of material changes, we will notify you via email if you have provided us with your email address.